Sunday, April 26, 2009

Not Swine Flu

This poor blog has been neglected. Maybe it’s sick like me. A couple Fridays ago I had symptoms that reminded me of Robert, the former star of this blog. For a few minutes, 30 maybe, I could not read or write. I felt fine but when I attempted to read I would get stuck at the bigger words, like those of four or more letters. Then I tried to write a few words on the computer but failed. I laughed nervously and tried to shake it off. I would look away from the computer, shake my head and try again. That did not work. Then I tried unsuccessfully to type “Alzheimer's” and “dementia” into the search box on my computer. When my right hand and tongue started to numb I decided to go to the doctor where I proceeded to have the worst headache of my life. My life or anybody else’s. Maybe not anybody else’s. Eventually I was given a shot of Demerol. I had ridden my bike to the doctor’s office so I had to call Ted for a ride home. Then I slept for a long time. Apparently it was a migraine.
I skipped a couple details like throwing up and crying.
Now I simply have a nagging cough.

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