Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The good news is that I have a job that offers a thing called a sabbatical. The bad news is that I am not eligible until Fall of 2013. And as you may or may not know I am planning to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. This hike is a component of an art exhibition at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art.
I have not given up. I am applying for grants and fellowships and hiking scholarships (I made the last one up). Either that or I am going to have to hike faster.


Chuckie V said...

Hike fast! But 2,659 miles will still take a while. You could just do California, then tack on OR and WA later on. It would suck to have to hurry. For you and your body.


jonathan said...

You have been concerned about my body for years. I appreciate it.