Wednesday, July 19, 2006

August is the Sunday of Summer

As a kid I hated Sundays because the next day was Monday (and there were no cartoons on Sunday morning). It’s bad when you start worrying about Sunday on Saturday or even Friday, which is what I am doing now. It’s July 18th and I am thinking about August because September comes after August. This reminds me of stressing about Christmas when Halloween decorations start to appear. One year I considered buying Christmas presents December 26th but I decided to hold off until the 24th. All this is to say that I love summer, mountains, wildflowers, lakes, birds, granite, Lodge pole pines, Jeffery pines (they smell like candy), Red firs, Mountain ash, Quaking aspen, Marmots, and I don’t like it when summer threatens to end, which it does before it begins. The day after the longest day of the year is the beginning of the (quick) march toward the shortest day of the year. And the dumb-head in me thinks about how June 22nd is a slightly shorter day than June 21st. But optimistically I think about how December 22nd is slightly longer than the 21st. That is when I start thinking about and looking forward to summer. Once I told my dad that I whished I could go to sleep in September and wake up in June. He yelled at me not to wish to miss any of my life. “But what about the school parts?” I thought.


Kirstie said...

That is one of the most beautiful posts ever. (I also like the word "dumb-head," but not for the same reasons I like this entry. Dumb-head makes me laugh, the rest makes me smile and cry at the same time). Soak it up -- the rest of summer.

Anonymous said...

In a single post you have managed to articulate (beautifully I might add) the exact feelings that I have struggled to express for years. I will simply refer people to your blog from now on. :)

Kathie Sever said...

thats funny, that's the opposite of how we here in god's (bush's) country feel this time of year. summer in texas is more like you're being punished for something one of your siblings did. you've gotta take your medicine and you don't even get to relish the experience that got you in trouble in the first place.

Petey Santeeny said...

Just so you know, I'm a regular Blog Checker at your Blog, creepy. So if you've been checking your stats and tracking somone from Milwaukee/Cudahy, that's me.

ame said...

i do agree mr. summertime
lewis woodpecker sawtooth national forest idaho
bald eagle strait of juan de fuca

ame said...

i do agree mr. summertime
lewis woodpecker sawtooth national forest idaho
bald eagle strait of juan de fuca

SA said...

Every summer and every winter my friend Sylvia have the same conversation. Where I live, in the hither lands of the greath nortwest, the days are crazy short and beautifully long. I hate how on the 21st I soak up every minute of light and the 22nd I feel short changed.


Dennis R. Plummer said...

I'm a closet Dumb-Head. And check out the creepy tracker's blog. Cool layout.