Saturday, January 23, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Colton Harris-Moore
Maybe if you didn't leave your keys in your airplane Colton Harris Moore wouldn't steal it.

Colton Harris-Moore - it seems plausible that his parents were hoping for a notorious criminal when they named him, like when a mother names her kid Lincoln Jefferson Kennedy, she might have political aspirations for her kid. To my ear, Colton (he even has Colt in his name) Harris-Moore sounds like a gunfighter or the guy who robbed the stage coach. I can almost hear the town folk on the small Washington Island, Camano, repeating, "Colton Harris-Moore," in hushed tones as he walks through the center of town.
Sheriff Mark Brown said he did not understand why people would idolize a thief which has me wondering if Sheriff Brown has ever read a book or seen a movie. Those things are full of thieves as heroes. It might not be right but it is fun. It is even funner when the thief is a kid.
His mom tells us that Harris-Moore took and IQ test and was 3 points lower than Einstein's. Wikipedia tells us that Einstein never took an IQ test. But still, 3 points under a genius like Einstein is pretty good.
A mother's pride rarely relies on the truth.
I became a fan of him on facebook before I realised there are real fan pages for the little (6-foot-5, 210-pound) guy.
Wildlife Photography
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Not sure if I like this or if it bugs me or both (I heard that Julia McWilliams bugged Paul Child before their long and happy marriage). What I do like is that it is no more a photo trick than turning a picture on its side. I like Rodney Graham's upside down trees but I am not so sure they did not bug me the first time I saw them.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Overheard at a Cafe
I heard these guys - mostly one guy talking - about their band:
I’ve learned not to hitch my wagons too tight to her because like you said one bout of bronchitis and she’s ready to kill herself
You gotta keep taking those pills
Lets sit down and do a listening session - if I get a list of your songs. It’s a really easy stream of income. 300 bucks a night.
We don’t have to worry about no one. We don’t have to worry about Kevin, we don’t have to worry about Andy, we don’t have to worry about none of those guys.
I think we should take catfish to a gigging level
If anyone wants a three piece bluesy smokin’ band they got it -
You and I and drummer to be named later…
Once we learn the songs - you wrote ‘m so you ain’t never gonna forget ‘em. Once I learn them we will be able to play them at a moments notice.
Thank goodness
Yeah, yeah
Well I think so too. She called me in a tizzy. I didn’t even call her back
She’s either busy or mad at me
OK. She’ll probably call me back tonight
Tell her you talked to me tell her everythings good
We can squeeze a practice in Saturday
Or Sunday. If not all of next week is open too.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Next time you talk to him tell him you know me.
Oh, that’s perfect.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Blue Tooth Ranch