Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New Alpaca

This is Contessa Cinna. So far that's her name. Her mom is Giada, the large white shape nearest her. She was born March 20th out in the pasture some time in the afternoon. She surprised Jenny, running in after the rest of the herd for the evening feeding. Just over 17lbs.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Today's post

Before I decided to have a blog - as a joke is how it started - I used to take a break during the day or at the end of the day and write. That was satisfying, and when the blog started that satisfaction was transferred to posting. Lately, I am spread out too thin and this blog has been neglected. And I don't write things down on paper either. Paper is neglected. I miss stumbling on old notebooks that give a glimpse - or actually spell out exactly - what was happening on a given day.
If I could carve out an existence with much less computer time, or screen time, I would. The question I ask myself on a regular basis is, "What would I do if I was rich?" I would leave the house without a phone more often. I would take days off from responding to electronic enquiries. I would write with pen on paper more often. These days my hand gets tired when I write by hand.
Today I read that too much screen time is bad for the brain. I read it on Facebook. Another thing I read on the Internet was that taking a week off the Internet and devices can reset our circadian clocks. Not many people have occupations that allow for that. I recommend backpacking in the Frank Church RIver of No Return Wilderness. No Internet and almost no phone service. I have a cabin in the mountains that used to require a small journey by boat to make a phone call. I miss that. If you wanted to call someone you really had to make an effort. I would not mind living in a place where pigeons where my most efficient way to send a message.

I have to walk down to the post office now.