Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Capote, not Coyote

This evening at The Oriental I saw a film called Capote – similar to coyote but with a p sound in place of the y sound. The Capote in the movie did not look hungry like the coyote in Death Valley, but at times he looked equally miserable.

But what interested me early on in this film was something else. It was a scene in which Truman enters a train compartment and there is a woman who I immediately identified as Harper Lee. And it was. I do not know how I knew it; I do not recall knowing that T. Capote and H. Lee were friends or colleagues, but somehow I knew. Furthermore, I do not know what Harper Lee looked like or looks like, so if Catherine Keener looked like her I wouldn’t be the one to tell you. Also, I did not know the Nelle Harper Lee and Truman Capote were childhood friends, or that her first name was Nelle. I loved To Kill a Mockingbird, both the book and the movie.


ame said...


dmo said...

Isn't Truman the geeky neighbor in "To Kill a Mockingbird".....and isn't Harper Lee really Holly Golightly(sp). Actually , I think I'm only lying in the second half of that statement.