Sunday, February 10, 2008

I've started to alphabetize my records


ty said...

Have you considered organizing in a timeline of your life? In such a way that you have to remember that you bought Devo's "Freedom of Choice" freshman year, but before you bought Queen and after Olivia Newton John. At least that's how Rob from High Fidelity does it.

ty said...

also I posted on my blog. I took a short hiatus, but I hope to charge back with conviction.

jonathan said...

Yes. I have. It is not an easy or straight forward thing to do. It is easy to figure out where to put Lynne Anderson and Devo and ZZ Top but where does the Mad Professor go? D or P? And what about Dr. Alimantado? I put him under A. Another method Rob chose was to alphabetize by the first letter so Bob Dylan would go before Bob Marley and the Boomtown Rats would go after the Bobs.