Saturday, July 09, 2005


This evening we (the ABQ family) went to a party in Santa Fe. The occasion was an event that I did not understand completely but Photographers and curators from all over were there. On the way there we stopped for gas. I tried to explain to Robert that we were just stopping for gas and would be leaving shortly so "please stay in your seat." He started to try to climb out from the confines of his seatbelt (without unbuckling it) so I tried to put it back on. I was seated behind him. Robert grabbed my hand with his superhuman strength and angrily said, “Your Fat!” I did not take his anger personally because I figured he didn’t know who I was. I think the “Your Fat” comment proves it. Because I am not fat. Maybe a little chubby or “big boned” but not fat. (This writing was just interrupted when I heard the quiet whine of water pipes. I followed the sound to the source: Robert had decided to get out of bed and take a bath. He was very good though. I coaxed him out of the tub and he stood perfectly still with his eyes closed while I blew his hair dry).
The party was lousy with women who remembered Robert from the good old days. Men too, but the women were all over him. We sat with Lee and Maria Friedlander. I think I may have been inadvertently photographed by Lee. Incidentally, he is one of my favorite photographers.


dmo said...

Dude, I don't know who you're trying to fool (maybe yourself), but you are FAT. On a more serious note, maybe Robert meant PHAT.

Adellamorio said...

The truth about your precieved fatness can be solved quite simply using a method I like to call grammatical deduction. If we look at Robert's quote, "Your Fat!" one notices instantly that he is not saying you are fat, but more precisely, the fat you have. So, one must assume Robert felt some discomfort in coming into contact with whatever fat you have, be it great or small.
Glad I could be of help,

Anonymous said...

I think an example of Lee Friedlander's work would have been nice here so that those of us without Master's degrees in photography could follow along. Sheesh.