Sunday, August 28, 2005

Why am I still awake?

We drove from Jackson, Wyoming to Chicago in two days. “We” are Pam and I. In Jackson we visited Oona who took us to Grand Teton National park where we heard elks bugling.
But what really interested me was the giant crickets in Idaho. We saw them running across the street and they looked like small mice. I tried to pick one up but it was eating a grasshopper and it occurred to me that if it could eat a grasshopper it could bite me. There is a possibility that it was not eating the grasshopper but was just standing on it. You know how that is, sometimes it looks like you are eating something but you are just standing on it?

Which reminded me of a few days previous. I was driving north on Highway 14 in New Mexico and as I rounded a corner there was a tarantula crossing the street. I tried to swerve but I needed to swerve left to avoid the spider. There was a car coming toward me on the left - I had to decide - me and the person in the oncoming car or the spider? It was a split second decision but you know the result. I backed up my Taurus to checked on it just in case. The tarantula almost made it; I only ran over the head.

Book review: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks sucks.

1 comment:

Dennis R. Plummer said...

Sometimes it only looks like I'm standing on my food when, in fact, I am actually riding it. Perhaps that is what the cricket was doing. Perhaps it signals a huge evolutionary shift, one in which formerly smaller species begin the intense cultivation and domestication of once former adversaries.

Indeed, I have even heard stories of the lowly tarantula causing major traffic accidents among humans.