Friday, November 12, 2004


Robert's most recent art piece is dated 1943, which might lead one to believe that he has not been a prolific art maker. But one would be mistaken as this last piece was made this morning from the paper plate that had recently held his breakfast. Later I may post a picture of the peice but for now I will attempt a short description. It is a small paper plate encircled with a grapevine pattern. Robert made squiggly lines continued from the vines and wrote "E" and crossed out the E with three slashes, ///, and then
"= FU=
Tales- Test
You : " and then there are some curvey arrows. Along one of the edges he wrote; "Reisklay."

So read out loud it says, E=FU=tales test- you Reisklay.
It sounds smart to me. And it rhymes.

On the back of the paper plate Robert signed his name and dated it, 1943.

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