Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Good night Robert

I am back in Albuquerque. Robert did not seem to notice that I had even gone anywhere. A few moments ago, as I was writing about the yellow rubber-band around my wrist, I heard Robert talking (he has been in bed for a couple hours by now). The talking got progressively louder and, for some reason, I got chills. I am not scared of him at all but for some reason I get nervous when I hear him up and about at night. The quick cure for my nerves is to go talk to him, which is what I did. I said, “Do you have to go to the bathroom?” No response except a crooked grin. “Do you have to go pee pee?” To this he smiled, laughed and said, “That’s funny.” It turns out he did have to pee. And, happily, he went back to bed on his own afterword and is currently snoring loudly. Good night Robert.

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