Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I've been growing my hair or my hair has been growing and I haven't been cutting it. It isn't long by any means but there is length which means I have to figure out what to do with it. I tried putting a commercial hair-grooming product in it but I seem to have chosen the wrong one. I was looking for something that would simulate the look that my hair naturally gets after three or more days without washing - which is the case at the moment. The thing about showering is that when I wake up I think to my self "why shower, I am about to go to work and get dirty. I'll shower after work." And often after work I am too tired or lazy so I tell myself I'll shower in the morning. I already mentioned what I tell my self in the morning. I usually only shave after a shower so I could use the length of my beard as a barometer - when it reaches a given length its time to shower. But what should that length be? I do not expect an answer unless you happen to know how fast my facial hair grows. I just figured it out: if my hair looks good I should take a shower. And if my hair looks really good and my scalp itches I should have taken a shower yesterday.

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