Sunday, February 06, 2005

I had a good title a minute ago

Robert is the master of the non sequitur. For example, Taffy licked a horse poop and I asked her to stop. Robert laughed and I said, “She likes to eat horse poop.” Robert said, “I didn’t realize they had so many, but the first one was beautiful.” Earlier I handed him a Russian olive, which he held in his open hand. He ignored the olive and described the color and the lines of his hand. “The groove is wonderful. . .” “It’s pink.” He said more describing his hand, but my short term memory, although much better than Robert’s, isn’t good enough to recall.

And for you birders or people fond of coincidences:
Sally, my sister, called from Seattle to tell me about a hawk or falcon that had just flown in front of her with a critter in its talon. We both thought it might be a Cooper’s hawk. As I was describing the distinguishing characteristics of the Cooper’s hawk one flew in front of me and landed in a tree; this one also had a critter, a sparrow, in it’s talon.

P.S. My dark eyebrows in my cartoon self portrait makes me look like Peter Gallagher - which I don't.

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