Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day

Today was Robert’s acupuncture day, and like last time he fell asleep instantly. But that didn’t stop him from talking loudly and clearly. He was talking about (or to?) a doctor. I quickly jumped up from my reading and put my hand on his shoulder. I wanted to make sure he didn’t move with all those needles sticking in him. Robert said, “If you take your hand off me, you’ll see that I am sleeping…” Of course, I took my hand off of him. He continued, “and consistent.” For a while I let him hold my hand, which he squeezed with his iron grip.
It's hard to tell, with a man like Robert, and by that I mean a demented man, if a given therapy is working. He didn't know why we are at the doctor and when we were done he said, "Where are we?" He also said, "I would have liked to have seen the doctor some more." He seemed more "with it" after the acupuncture. But then he seems more with it one day and less with it the next. Or should I say more out of it? Which would an optimist say?

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