Friday, April 29, 2005

More on the Ivory-billed Woodpecker

Next time you play cribbage with your ivory cribbage board, or comb your hair with your ivory comb, or rob a liquor store with your ivory handled revolver, think about the Ivory-billed woodpecker. For it is not just the obnoxious elephant and the overindulgent walrus that are effected by the Ivory trade; the majestic (and sometimes silly) Ivory-billed woodpecker has suffered to the point of extinction (almost!) at the hands of greedy ivory traders. Sure, some were legally picked off by Eskimos trying to eek out an existence in the swamps of the Deep South.

Woops. Apparently the Ivory-billed woodpecker (Giganticus woodpeckerus), is named for the color of its bill and not for the ivory in its bill which I believe amounts to very little (none).

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