Monday, April 18, 2005

The Southwest

Some of the classified ads in the Albuquerque Journal:
Rifle, AK47 2 30 round clips, pistol grip $400.
Moose Hide Tanned & smoked $1200.
Rifles Norinco SKS unissued, clean, bayo $ mt, $250.00
SNAKE Ball Python, 3 $55ea, Forest Chameleon 1 $45. Baby Alligators 2 $150ea . . .
WOLF PUPS $450, 1 male & one female, high percentage.

Recently there was an article about a compound (some trailers and outbuildings) in the desert where authorities discovered elk heads, bobcat hides, a meat drying operation (for selling carne seca (jerky), from poached animals) and more that I cannot recall.
Also common in the Journal are articles about mistreated dogs along with articles about dogs attacking children. One woman recently got rid of her dog because it did not match her carpet. New Mexico is considering outlawing cockfighting; if that happens the closest state to catch a legal cockfight will be all the way over in Oklahoma, but not for long. Wait! This just in: Oklahoma is considering allowing cockfighting with little chicken boxing gloves that electronically record hits. Regular or “Old School” cockfighting is still legal in OK as of 1963 when a judge ruled that chickens where not animals and therefore not subject to Oklahoma’s animal fighting laws. But I digress.



Anonymous said...

The judge in OK that ruled that chickens are not animals obviously never picked up a tiny peeping chick in the middle of the night so that he/she could get some sleep and rested that chick on his/her chest only to awake in the morning with the little ball of fluff resting soundly underneath his/her t-shirt in between his/her cleavage. I read a sign once that said "love spelled backwards is chicken." I bet that dumb judge thinks love spelled backwards is evol - lame.

jonathan said...

Nope. Love spelled backwards is definitely chicken. Delicious chicken.

Anonymous said...

I hope you at least cradle your McNuggets before you eat them.